Financial Assistance Financial Assistance Application
At YMCA Camp Eberhart, we believe that all children should have the opportunity to go to camp regardless of ability to pay. Camperships are based on HUD guidelines and take into account extenuating circumstances.
To ensure that as many children as possible can attend camp, financial assistance is eligible for 1 week of Resident Camp, 2 weeks of Day Camp, or a partial campership for the Leadership Core. YMCA Camp Eberhart financial assistance funds are raised throughout the year. If you would like to join us in our passion for providing great camp experiences, please visit our Project 132 donation page.
Please send your completed application and all applicable documentation to camp at:
- By mail - 10481 Camp Eberhart Rd. Three Rivers, MI 49093
- By email - campeberhart@ymcagm.org
The application will not be considered until all of the above information has been received by YMCA Camp Eberhart. This information is kept in the strictest confidence. Should clarification be needed, a personal phone interview may be requested by our Camp Director.